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Personal Statement

Clare Hoelscher: My Philosophy of Education

At the heart of education is the intent to allow opportunities for betterment, development, learning, and growth of students. Although teachers hold authority in the classroom, the students are the true focus of education. Respect for the student and the student’s abilities is absolutely central to teaching. Teaching without respect for the student inherently presents a skewed understanding of the purpose of education itself. Teachers should work diligently to encourage each student to do the best work possible and to be enthusiastic about learning. Each teacher’s main focus should be the mental, psychological, emotional, physical, and intellectual well-being and growth of each student.

Teachers also should set realistic goals for their students without underestimating students’ abilities or stifling opportunities for student growth. Teachers should always be willing to modify or specialize parts of their lessons to ensure that all students are included, encouraged to participate, and as engaged as possible in the lesson. Equity is one of the most important elements of a successful classroom environment and making sure that no student is left out of conversations, deciding to intentionally include students, and actively encouraging them to participate are excellent ways of incorporating fairness and equal opportunity into the classroom environment. It is important that teachers do not play favorites in their classrooms, and teachers should provide support, instruction, and kind correction to all students without placing one student higher than another in any way.

In many cases, students who are struggling or underprivileged often are not given sufficient opportunity or the support that they need to succeed. As a teacher, I will ensure that I am properly prepared to provide each student whom I encounter with the necessary resources and assistance that he needs to grow and develop as healthy, intelligent, and informed people. I hope to exemplify the characteristics of enthusiasm, professionalism, organization, engagement, patience, dedication, and respect. I will establish high expectations for my students, and I will do my absolute best to meet their developmental and educational needs. 

Teachers and their attitudes in the classroom greatly influence students and their behaviors in the classroom environment. Teachers are responsible for creating a productive and positive classroom environment, and if they can model for their students an ability to recognize, learn from, and approach mistakes in a positive way with a sense of humor, then their students will be much more likely to follow suit. It is important in general for teachers to model proper and healthy behaviors for their students, but it is especially key in situations in which a mistake has been made for them to be an example so that students will feel comfortable taking risks academically. Every student should be given the resources and opportunities they need to learn from their mistakes, to work successfully towards their goals, and to grow both academically and personally. 

Teachers should also emphasize the importance of citizenship within the classroom, fostering an environment of respect and civility. They should remain calm when enforcing positive behavior and when disciplining students for inappropriate classroom behavior. The implementation of a “quiet corner” in the classroom is an effective way to help promote a positive classroom environment. Students can go to this area when issues arise and can work with each other to come up with solutions that are effective, concrete, and realistic. This method gives students the chance to talk about the effects of their actions and how they can change their behavior to act with more civility, respect, and kindness towards each other.

A social context for learning and student choice are also very important to creating a positive and successful classroom environment. Students should be encouraged to interact and to collaborate with their peers so that they support each other’s learning while also developing socially. Students should also be provided with an element of choice. When creating lessons, teachers should take into account student interests and developmental tendencies and should use that information to better engage students and to create a student-centered environment.

I plan to take on a creative and varying approach to instruction. As much as possible, I want to provide students with hands-on interaction with what they are studying through inquiry- and project-based lessons. Varying lesson styles and making the learning experience exciting will encourage students to actively participate and be engaged during class time.

Establishing a positive parent-teacher relationship and encouraging parental involvement is also key when teaching. Parents should be encouraged to work with the students at home on the topics covered in the lesson and to assist students in furthering their understanding of the content. It is important for teachers to have an open line of communication with parents and to build a relationship with them. Teachers can provide recommended resource lists for parents and can keep parents informed about the lessons and activities being done in the classroom.

Teaching is something that I greatly enjoy, and it already has positively impacted my life. My love for teaching and for helping students to discover new abilities and potential in themselves has only become stronger with experience, and I am passionate about giving every student the opportunity and support that they need to improve and to succeed both academically and personally. I hope to never stop teaching and to never stop learning throughout my life, regardless of where exactly my career path leads me.

Personal Statement: Text

"Develop a passion for learning.

If you do, you will never cease to grow."

-Anthony J. D’Angelo

Personal Statement: Quote

Clare Hoelscher: Professional Portfolio  |  |  Irving, TX, USA

©December 2019 by Clare Hoelscher. Proudly created with

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